Category: Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi projects

Voice controlling your home w/ Raspberry Pi

In this post we will be controlling 433 MHz light switches using a ready-to-use voice controlling software and a modified fork of a 433 MHz transmitter software, all on the Raspberry Pi. Basically I used a ready-to-use voice controlling software called Voicecommand,...


iBeacon minimal setup w/ Raspberry Pi(PiBeacon)

iBeacon has an enormous list of practical uses, from home to business uses. Some uses of iBeacon could for instance be pinpoint location services, for home automation uses or in-store navigation for different departments, and this is due to basic distance calculation using...


Basic LED blinking w/ Raspberry Pi

Now I’m not going to show how to setup Raspbian or SSH with your Pi. There are tons of tutorials online how to do that. I will however guide you through to setting up the necessary software for Raspbian to be able...